

  1. Aerial Object Detection
    Tanguy OphoffToon Goedemé, and Kristof Van Beeck
  2. Improving Object Detection in VHR Aerial Orthomosaics
    Tanguy OphoffKristof Van Beeck, and Toon Goedemé
    In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCV Workshops), 2023


  1. Investigating the Potential of Network Optimization for a Constrained Object Detection Problem
    Tanguy Ophoff, Cédric Gullentops, Kristof Van Beeck, and Toon Goedemé
    Journal of Imaging, 2021
  2. Real-Time Embedded Computer Vision on UAVs: UAVision2020 Workshop Summary
    Kristof Van Beeck, Maarten Vandersteegen, Tanguy Ophoff, Tinne Tuytelaars, Davide Scaramuzza, and Toon Goedemé
    In Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops, 2021


  1. Vehicle and Vessel Detection on Satellite Imagery: A Comparative Study on Single-Shot Detectors
    Tanguy Ophoff, Steven Puttemans, Vasileios Kalogirou, Jean-Philippe Robin, and Toon Goedemé
    Remote Sensing, 2020


  1. Exploring RGB+Depth Fusion for Real-Time Object Detection
    Tanguy OphoffKristof Van Beeck, and Toon Goedemé
    Sensors, 2019


  1. Improving Real-Time Pedestrian Detectors with RGB+Depth Fusion
    Tanguy OphoffKristof Van Beeck, and Toon Goedemé
    In 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2018
  2. Relabeled EPFL RGB-D Pedestrian Dataset
    Tanguy OphoffKristof Van Beeck, and Toon Goedemé