I am a detail-oriented computer vision engineer who loves to work with new technologies in order to solve today’s challenges. As a highly experienced programmer, I strive to build robust applications and pipelines in many different programming languages such as Python, C/C++ & JavaScript. I possess an unwavering passion for everything related to AI and love to tinker around on various linux systems.
From 2017 to 2023, I worked as a PhD researcher at the EAVISE research group of the KU Leuven. I worked on a variety of different projects for industrial partners, researching how to best optimize object detection from aerial viewpoints. In that time, I designed pipelines to run neural networks on huge satellite orthomosaic images, I improved object detection models by fusing different modalities such as RGB and depth images and I explored different methodologies to improve the latency of convolutional neural networks with the goal of deploying them on embedded GPUs.
As a post-doctoral researcher, I currently investigate multi-object detection & tracking in a project about 24/7 dog monitoring.